The implementation of the 2014 National Curriculum is an area of challenge for all maintained schools and in particular, the new curriclum for history has attracted a great deal of press attention.

Cathy Murphy is able to offer consultancy in Primary Schools to support the development of new long-term plans to accommodate your class structure and the existing strengths in your history curriculum. The consultancy may take the form of a meeting with the history subject leader and/or other members of the school's leadership team.

You may prefer to have a more inclusive planning process, involving a wider group of staff. Cathy is able to offer a tailored staff training session to enable the whole staff group to become familiar with the new curriculum requirements and to share views about the needs of the children they teach. The agenda will be devised to accommodate your aims. If your staff is ready to consider medium term planning, the coverage of skills, creative approaches and areas of knowledge could also be addressed.

Cathy has been supporting schools in Cambridgeshire, and beyond, with curriculum planning since 2001. So whether you have multiple classes in each year group or multiple year groups in each class, Cathy will be able to support you in developing a curriclum which meets the needs of your children.



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